Eleanor Wentz Sheehe ’39 married Richard Sheehe, a graduate of Mansfield Senior High School, in 1948. They moved to California in 1958. Before departing Shelby, Eleanor invested much time and effort in working to make the city a better place to live. During World War II, she served as Executive Secretary of The American Red Cross in Shelby.
During the early 1950s, some Shelbians saw the need for a facility that would serve all of Shelby, in particular its youths. They approached Eleanor, seeking a leader, and she energetically took on that responsibility. Eleanor contacted the National YMCA for guidance, and they recommended establishing a Family YMCA. Eleanor then led the fund-raising drive that resulted in opening Shelby’s first YMCA on Wall Street in 1952. Initially, it provided bridge lessons, a seniors’ club, a kiln for ceramics lessons, and dances for teenagers.
Says an alum, “Eleanor brought intelligence, enthusiasm and energy to everything she did, and Shelby was the beneficiary.”
After moving to California, currently living in Napa, Eleanor continued her community involvements. She took leadership positions with both the Boy Scouts and Girl Scouts, served as president of several Parent-Teacher Associations and continues volunteering at her local hospital where she recently received her 15-year service pin.
Richard died in 2007. He and Eleanor had four children: Stephen (deceased; Patty), Richard Jr.(Kathryn), Scott (Rose) and Carol Sheehe Euser (John) – all live in California. Eleanor has 11 grandchildren and 11 great grandchildren.
Eleanor remains active in the Lutheran Church where she helps print weekly Braille Christian books and books of the Bible that are sent worldwide. Through her church she also helps feed the homeless.
Eleanor’s nominator: Mike Johnson ’63.