Dave Jones was truly a Shelby Whippet. Born in Shelby on March 12, 1951, Dave attended Shelby City Schools and graduated in 1969. While attending Shelby High School he was an active member of Whippet Theater, student council and Bi-Phy-Chem Club. Dave also played junior varsity football.
After receiving his bachelor’s degree in education from Miami University, Dave returned to his beloved hometown to teach 7th grade mathematics at the Jr. High. While teaching, Dave earned his master’s degree in administration from Bowling Green State University. Dave became Shelby High School assistant principal in 1987 and later was named principal in 1994. He remained principal until his death in February, 2006. Dedicated to his profession, he served as an ambassador to the North Central Accreditation Association and was a member of the National and Ohio Association of Secondary Administrators.
Music was a part of Dave’s soul. There wasn’t often a time he wasn’t singing. He enjoyed attending band and choir performances and loved to support Whippet Theater. Dave attended numerous athletic events in support of his Shelby Whippets. He loved to see students succeed not only in the classroom, but on the field or court and through music, drama or art.
An avid football enthusiast, Dave was a football official since 1972 officiating both high school and college games. He was inducted into The Ohio Association of Football Officials Hall of Fame in 2006. Dave was also active in his church, Trinity United Methodist Church, singing in the choir and serving on the board in many different positions.
Dave was a proud member of the Shelby City Schools staff. He believed he was fortunate to work among experts. Many former and present teachers have said Mr. Jones was their mentor. He believed in the positive impact teachers can have on students and wanted to facilitate that relationship through support and guidance for both his teachers and his students. He knew education did not have to be painful, and he worked by that philosophy.
“All roads lead back to Shelby,” and it is not different for Dave. He loved Shelby. He loved being part of this small, close-knit town. He liked that he knew his neighbors and that they knew him. He knew that the community of Shelby was special. He made it a priority, with his wife Cindy ’74, to have his family and raise his daughters, Katie ’97 and Annie ’00, in Shelby. Shelby Schools and the community of Shelby were loved by Dave Jones.
Nominator & Presenter: Tim Tarvin “77