Few if any SHS alumni have demonstrated more continuing respect for and devotion to the Shelby Schools and community than has Dave Winans ’60. He was elected to the Shelby Schools Board of Education, and served as its president for two years. In addition, he was involved in the formation of the SHS Academic Boosters club, serving as its first president. Over the years Dave has served as president of the Whitney School PTA, the parish council of Most Pure Heart of Mary Catholic Church and Park Village retirement complex in Shelby.
With four daughters, there was scant chance for involvement in Little League baseball, so Dave became a Girl Scout Leader and later, to keep the program active, took over as head coach of the SHS girls gymnastics team.
During planning for the first SHS multi-class reunion in 2002, Dave recommended that the SHS Alumni Association be formed and registered as a S0lC-3 tax-exempt organization.
This, in turn, led to the formation of the Alumni Association’s Board of Trustees. Dave serves on that Board, was elected the Alumni Association’s first president in 2002 and has continued serving in that capacity. He also serves on the Board’s Special Gifts Committee. He has filled volunteer roles for multi-class reunions and has coordinated with school system administrators on uses of Alumni Association monetary gifts to SHS. In the words of a schoolmate, “Dave epitomizes ongoing community and alumni support for Shelby schools.
He truly understands the value of providing youngsters with a superior educational grounding.” Dave is married to Sue Robertson Winans ’60 and they live in Shelby.
Nominators: Harryet Snyder, former SHS biology teacher, and Mike Johnson ’63. Presenters: DeeDee Winans Knapp ’80, Vickie Winans Bauer ’82, Lisa Winans ’86, Laura Winans McBride ’90.