Compiled by Christina Yetzer Drain
The Shelby Settlement is a small unincorporated area southwest of the city of Shelby in Richland County, Ohio. The area has also been called the German Settlement and Bethlehem. What makes the area unique in genealogical research are boundary changes from county to county during certain time periods, as well as the ethnic make-up of settlers, from Swiss and German to French and Irish families. The tie that bound them together was the Catholic church, which was established as the early settlers arrived in the 1830s. Sections 15 and 22 of Township 21, Range 20 in Vernon Township, Sections 27 and 34 in Jackson Township in Crawford County and Sections 13, 14, 23, 24, 25, 26, 35 and 36 of the same township and range in Sharon Township in Richland County are the focus of this locality guide.
Sharon Township in Richland County was created from Blooming Grove and Jackson Townships Feb 9, 1819. Several families from Connecticut had just settled in what would become the main town of Gambles Mill, then Shelby, and were eager to make a small village. The area was densely forested with birch, beech, ash, sugar and oak. Deer and turkey, among other wildlife, were abundant, so much so, it was a favorite hunting area for the Wyandot Indians who lived to the west. Surrounding homesteads were purchased through land patents from the U.S. government and cleared for farming. [1]
Vernon Township in Crawford County was created March 9, 1825. Pioneers crisscrossed Wyandot and Delaware Indian trails to avoid having to forge their own wagon trails to reach the unsettled wilderness. The area in Sections 22 and 27 was described as “almost impenetrable swamps in the southeastern third of the township” and the retreat for many wild animals who fled from bands of Indians and pioneer hunters.[2]
The northern portion of Vernon Township was settled as early as 1818 when George Byers settled in a small log cabin in the center of the township. He hunted and trapped, sometimes alone, sometimes with Indians. Many of the early settlers in the northern end of the county were from New England and descendants of Revolutionary War soldiers. There were probably twenty cabins in the northern part of the township before 1830.[3]
Several Irish families began to arrive in Sections 14 and 15 in the Settlement area sometime in 1830. German families came directly from Europe beginning in 1832 via the Erie canal to Buffalo and then to Cleveland or Sandusky. By 1834, there were as many as 34 families of German-speaking immigrants and a few French families who settled in the marshes and began to clear the land for farming.[4] They settled there because land was cheap, just $1.25 an acre. Most bought 40 or 80 acres.
The German families kept to themselves, venturing only to areas where others spoke their language. Many brought their trades with them, from shoemaking to carpentry, tanning, and blacksmithing.
In 1833, a missionary priest from Canton, Fr. John Martin Henni, visited with 16 families who had settled in the area. By the time the Redemptorist Fathers came from Peru, near Norwalk, a year later, mass was being conducted on a regular basis at the Finnegan home and 40 acres of land had been purchased to build a church.
Prior to February 3, 1845, the sections mentioned above formed part of Richland County. Sections 15, 22, 27, and 34, about four miles wide, were annexed to Crawford County in 1845.
School houses in the southern portion of the township were built, and German was the language used to teach children. Hired teachers gave lessons in German. Although, classes were eventually taught in English, German was still commonly spoken into the late 1800’s.
There were a series of churches built on the 40 acres just inside the Richland County line. From a modest log cabin to the Gothic structure which remains today, each church was grander than the one before, owing to the generous donations of the well-to-do farmers. In 1892, the cornerstone for the present church, written in German and English, was laid.
Descendants of those farmers still till the land and attend church at Sacred Heart as their ancestors did when they settled nearly 200 years ago. There are no stores in the Settlement area, not even a gas station. But the church can be seen for miles.
1845: A 4-mile wide by 20-mile-deep strip of eastern Richland County was transferred to Vernon Township in Crawford County. The transfer included Sections 15, 22, 27 and 34 in Township 21, Range 20.
1909: Sections 27 and 34 in Vernon Township petitioned to be attached to Jackson Township as it was more convenient. The request was honored.
Neighboring counties to Crawford County include Seneca, Huron, Richland, Morrow, Marion and Wyandot. Neighboring counties to Richland County include Huron, Ashland, Knox, Morrow and Crawford.
Ohio History Connection (State Archives)
800 E. 17th St.
Columbus, OH 43211
- Printed books, maps, and pamphlets
- Newspapers
- State, Local and some Federal Government archival records
- Manuscripts and Audiovisual materials.
- Unique materials (Valentine’s Day cards and cartoon drawings)
- Email or call ahead to request information
Ohio Genealogical Society
611 State Route 97 W
Bellville, OH 44813-8813
- 50,000 volumes alphabetically arranged by state/county/subject
- Nearly all Ohio published local history and genealogical resources
- Ohio census 1800 to 1930 on film and US census 1790-1940 digitally
- 250,000 ancestor cards filed by surname
- 4,000 Bible records, indexed
- City and county directories for Ohio
- Ohio yearbook collection for high schools and colleges
- Nearly 15,000 lineage society applications
- Environmentally controlled archives filled with manuscript materials
- Collection of original and reprint Ohio county cadastral atlases
- Online searchable library catalog
- Over 5,000 family histories
- Obituaries, Family Group Sheets, Ancestor Charts & More!
- Naturalization records for Richland County from 1800 forward
Mansfield/Richland County Public Library Sherman Room
43 West Third Street
Mansfield, OH 44902
- Businesses, Churches, Schools, Biographies of notable locals
- Family histories
- Richland County histories
- Indexes of local wills, early property owners and marriages
- Cemetery indexes for Richland and Crawford Counties
- City directories 1858 present, Richland County directories
- Telephone directories 1904 present
- Local author collection
- Historical atlases of Richland and surrounding counties
- Local clipping file
- Annual Reports for local businesses
- Local photo file
Microfilm Resources
- Mansfield newspapers 1823 – present (some gaps exist)
- Scattered Richland County newspapers
- Selected Ohio and Pennsylvania Census records
- Sanborn fire maps for Mansfield
- Sturges family papers
- Board of Richland County Commissioners Journals 1872 1903
- Richland County Probate Court Naturalization Records 1852 1906
- Richland County Children’s Home Record of Indentures 1880 1917
Marvin Memorial Library
29 W. Whitney Ave.
Shelby, Ohio 44875
(419) 347-5576
The Marvin Genealogy Room contains volumes of books of local history and genealogy, a card file and clippings of obituaries, and microfilm of Shelby newspapers, including more than 100 years of the Shelby Daily Globe. Microfilm of Shelby Settlement Sacred Heart Church records of births, marriages, deaths (in Latin).
Bucyrus Public Library
200 E. Mansfield St.
Bucyrus, Ohio 44820
The Bucyrus Public Library houses a very nice genealogy area on the second floor. Many family books are included as well as microfilm of Bucyrus newspapers.
Crestline Public Library
324 N. Thoman St.
Crestline, Ohio 44827
The Crestline Public Library maintains a microfilm collection of Crestline newspapers.
Galion Public Library
123 North Market Street
Galion, OH 44833
Genealogy and local history materials are maintained in the Ohio Room, located on the lower floor. This collection includes back issues of the Galion Inquirer going back to the early 20th century, local county history books, and other items of local interest. The microfilm reader is here, as well.
Clerk of Courts
50 Park Avenue East
Mansfield, Ohio 44902
Divorces, foreclosures, criminal, civil and domestic cases
Common Pleas Court – Probate Division
50 Park Avenue East
Second Floor
Mansfield, Oh 44902
The Probate division contains estate probate documents, as well as wills, marriage licenses. Richland County births and deaths occurring before 1908 are kept at the Probate Courthouse.
Recorder’s Office
50 Park Ave. East
Mansfield, Ohio 44902
The County Recorder maintains deeds and land records, which enables researchers to establish a history of ownership.
Tax Map Office
50 Park Avenue East
Mansfield, Ohio 44902
The Richland County Tax Map Office houses tax maps that date back to 1853, including old road record books from the early 1800’s. The office carries United States Geographical Survey topography maps, and has copies of most state right-of-way plans and some cemetery plots mapped.
Richland County Public Health
555 Lexington Ave.
Mansfield, Ohio 44907
The Vital Statistics division maintains records of births and deaths in Richland County since 1909 (excluding Shelby). A computerized index in the lobby allows for a records search for Ohio; death records start in 1959 and birth records start at 1909. Richland County births, deaths occurring before 1908 are kept at the Probate Courthouse.
Shelby City Hall
43 W. Main St.
Shelby, OH 44875
The Shelby City Health Department can issue certificates of all births in the State of Ohio. Death Certificates are available from 1908. City of Shelby death records before those dates are kept at the Richland County Probate Courthouse in Mansfield.
Court of Common Pleas
112 E. Mansfield Street
Suite 204
Bucyrus, OH 44820
Early naturalizations, divorces, foreclosures, criminal, civil and domestic cases.
Probate Court
Wills, administrations, marriages, estates, naturalizations, guardianships, name changes, registrations of birth, trusts. Records from 1867 through 1908 are stored at the Crawford Co. Probate Court.
County Recorder’s Office
112 E. Mansfield Street, Suite 206
Bucyrus, OH 44820
An extensive collection of deed and land record books is located in this area.
112 E. Mansfield St., Suite 105
Bucyrus, OH 44820
The auditor is the first stop to verify land.
Health Department
1520 Isaac Beal Rd
Bucyrus, OH 44820
The Crawford Co. General Health District has statewide access to birth certificates for anyone born within the state of Ohio from 1909 to the present. The office has death certificates from l909 to the present for those individuals that died in Crawford County, excluding Galion City.
County | Birth | Marriage | Death | Court | Land | Probate | Census |
Richland | 1856 | 1813 | 1890 | 1815 | 1818 | 1831 | 1820 |
Crawford | 1908 | 1831 | 1908 | 1834 | 1816 | 1831 | 1820 |
1831 – Crawford County Courthouse fire
1844 – Records burned at Sacred Heart Church
Richland County, Ohio Genealogy – Family Search,_Ohio_Genealogy
Bethlehem, Ohio – Wikipedia,_Ohio
Sharon Township – Wikipedia,_Richland_County,_Ohio
Crawford County, Ohio Genealogy,_Ohio_Genealogy
Vernon Township – Wikipedia,_Crawford_County,_Ohio
Jackson Township – Wikipedia,_Crawford_County,_Ohio
Sacred Heart Catholic Church record of baptism, first communion, confirmation, marriage and death records
Ohio County Naturalization and Citizenship records – Family Search
Crawford County, Ohio USGenweb
Crawford County Chapter of the Ohio Genealogical Society. Atlas of Crawford County 1855. Evansville, Ind.: Whippoorwill Publications.
Richland County – Shelby Chapter of the Ohio Genealogical Society
News and Events
Crawford County Chapter of the Ohio Genealogical Society
Richland County Genealogical Society
Crestline Historical Society, PO Box 456, Crestline, OH 44827-0456; Phone: (419) 683-3410
Bucyrus Historical Society
PO Box 493, Bucyrus, OH 44820-0493
419- 562-6386
The Bucyrus Historical Society’s Museum is a stately Victorian House that stands on a lot included in the original plot of Bucyrus and was owned by the Scrogg’s family for 127 years. The house is filled with old Bucyrus history, furnishings, and memorabilia. The Carriage House has a restored 1826 Niagara Fire steam engine and an 1869 “Silky” Hose Cart.
Galion Historical Society
PO Box 125, Galion, OH 44833-0125
419- 468-9338
The Galion Historical Society is a local history museum with emphasis on Galion and Crawford Counties.
Shelby Museum of History
Goodspeed, Weston Arthur, 1852-1926, J. H Battle, and William Henry Perrin. 1881. History of Crawford County And Ohio: Containing a History of the State of Ohio, From Its Earliest Settlement to the Present Time.. Chicago: Baskin & Battey.
Graham, A.A., 1880. History of Richland County, Ohio: It’s Past and Present. Mansfield, Ohio: A.A. Graham & Co. Publishers.
Hopley, John E. (John Edward)., 1912. History of Crawford County, Ohio: And Representative Citizens. Chicago,Ill.: Richmond-Arnold Publishing Company.
Lewis Publishing Company. 1902. A Centennial Biographical History of Crawford County, Ohio. Chicago: The Lewis Publishing Company.
Metzger, Steven. 2008. Sacred Heart of Jesus Parish 1833-2008. Self-published.
Richland County Genealogical Society. 1999. Richland County, Ohio Original Land Purchasers including School Lands. Self published.
[1] Graham, A. A. 1880. History of Richland County, Ohio. Mansfield, Ohio: A. A. Graham & Co.
[2] Goodspeed, Weston Arthur, H Battle, and William Henry Perrin. 1881. History of Crawford County And Ohio: Containing a History of the State of Ohio, From Its Earliest Settlement to the Present Time.. Chicago: Baskin & Battey.
[3] Ibid.
[4] Metzger, Steven. 2008. Sacred Heart of Jesus Parish 1833-2008. Self-published.